Silicone Antiscratch Materbatch

Bajaj Plast has developed specialized Silicone based Antiscratch Additive Masterbatches in pelletized form for various applications to get properties such as Anti -Scratching and Lubrication during the polymer processing and in final moulded products.

Anti-scratch silicone masterbatch automotive PP compounding additive

Anti-scratch silicone masterbach provide a comprehensive solution for scratch resistance, low VOC, and low stress whitening of polypropylene materials and thermoplastic elastomer (TPO) body components such as dashboard, door trim, center console, and pillar trim.

Protection against scratches and abrasions

High-quality silicone was used in the formulation of our product to provide it outstanding protection against scratches and abrasions. You don’t have to be concerned about your surfaces becoming scratched while engaging in routine activities thanks to Anti-scratch silicone masterbatch. Anti-scratch silicone masterbatch has you covered whether you want to protect a phone, automobile, or any other item from scratches.

PP Based polydimethylsiloxane MB

The scratch agent is polydimethylsiloxane masterbatch with special structure based on PP. Widely used in automobile PP interior decoration, home appliance PP plastic modification materials and other fields. The masterbatch itself has little effect on the mechanical properties of the material and has good thermal stability

Key features

Reduce deformation, reduce equipment wear, improve product performance, and reduce manufacturing defect rate. Simultaneously can fully show the reduction of low friction coefficient, improve smoothness, improve surface gloss, increase surface touch, improve wear resistance and scratch resistance.


Recycled plastic middle layer packaging Film

Silicon Core Pipes

Polypropylene Sheets

Extruded & Injection Moulded Products

Packaging Films

HDPE Boxes & Bottles

Automotive Interiors

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