Plast Flame Retardant

High Quality Flame Retardant masterbatches



Flame Retardant



High-quality Flame Retardant Masterbatch to ensures maximum performance, improving overall flame retardancy as well as the physical properties of your end product.

We protect against Fire Hazards

High-Quality Flame Retardant masterbatches Manufacturer in india

Flame retardant additives (FR) are chemical compounds added with an objective to inhibit/retard the ignition/burning of the plastic.They reduce smoke formation and/or prevent the material from melt collapse (anti dripping).


These additives are common in numerous everyday products to avoid the ignition and burning of plastics. Halogenated flame retardants are highly effective at relatively low load levels.

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Non-halogen, or halogen free, flame retardants are increasing in demand and include intumescents(phosphorus-based) and metallic oxides. To prevent combustion, it becomes necessary to design a thermally stable polymer that has a lesser probability of decomposing into combustible gases under heat stress.They do
suppress or delay combustion process, impending burning in the ignition phase of Fire.

High-Quality Flame Retardant masterbatches Manufacturer in india
Top Quality Flame Retardant masterbatches Manufacturer in india


Flame retardant additives can be compounded with the base polymer or added during the plastic processing step. Sometimes combustion may be prevented by simply adding the flame retardant to a surface layer finish on the final product.

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When plastic burns, long-chain molecules of the polymer chain are degraded into smaller hydrocarbon molecules and flammable gases, such as free radicals through a process called pyrolysis. For a fire to begin, fuel, oxygen and an ignition source must be present. Flame retardants work by interfering or eliminating one of these key ingredients, either physically or chemically. There are a few common methods that flame retardants do to inhibit combustion, they are a)Gaseous inhibition , b)Solid char formation &
c)Endothermic cooling .

How It Works?

High-Quality Flame Retardant masterbatches Manufacturer

The most important flame retardants systems used act either in the gas phase where they remove the high energy radicals H and OH from the flame or in the solid phase, where they shield the polymer by forming a charred layer and thus protect the polymer from being attacked by oxygen and heat.

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Bajaj Plast FR (Flame Retardant) Masterbatch TDS

Product Description TDS
Plast FR
(Flame Retardant)
A flame retardant masterbatch is used to slow or stop the spread of fire. In the event of fire, effective flame retardation is a necessity in many applications using films, sheets or mouldings.

Plast Flame Retardant Applications

High-Quality Flame Retardant masterbatches


High-Quality Flame Retardant masterbatches

Wall sheating

Top-Quality Flame Retardant masterbatches Manufacturer in india

Electrical Boards

FR Masterbatches

Defence Transport Containers

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High-Quality Flame Retardant masterbatches Manufacturer in india


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